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What Are Hymns And Why Do We Need Them? Directions for Singing by John Wesley.
How can I get reconnected to God when I don’t feel close to God? Through the story of Elisha and his disciples in 2 Kings 6, God shows us what to do to overcome spiritual slump. This Sunday, we are going to learn the 3rd discipline that God wants us to do to get reconnected to God. (This Good News series “From Spiritual Slump to Vitality” are developed based on Rick Warren’s essay “Reconnecting with God.”)
How can I move from spiritual slump to vitality? Through the story of Elisha and his disciples in 2 Kings 6, God shows us what to do to overcome spiritual slump. This Sunday, we are going to learn the 2nd discipline that God wants us to do recover spiritual vitality in our journey. (This Good News series “From Spiritual Slump to Vitality” are developed based on Rick Warren’s essay “Reconnecting with God.”)
What made Jesus Christ furious at the temple court? What would He say about America today? Jesus Christ, our Lord wants us to honor God and treat other human beings and ourselves with justice and respect for human dignity.
We are going to learn two different interpretations on the meaning of “abomination” found in the Book of Leviticus. Does the Bible really define homosexuality as a moral and ethical sin?
Good News for this Sunday is that God wants us to live one day at a time.
Good News for this Sunday is that God wants us to live one day at a time.
Good News for this Sunday is about God wanting us to include God in our plan.