Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.
The story of Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac is about how religion changes. How is your own faith evolving? Is there something that has been “bound” in you, that you thought you needed to do away with, that God might actually want you to set free?
A video of Pastor Steve’s sermon at the New England Conference’s Annual Meeting
God needs us to be a blessing for the world: we are “blessed to be a blessing.” But to take the blessing to the world, we have to go where God leads us, away from the familiar and into the unknown. But don’t worry. In our unknowing, where we are not in control, we meet God.
God is love, which means that God is relational: God is like a parent, and a child, and the love between them. And we are a part of that intimate family.
The Holy Spirit is the breath of God in us, making us one body, drawing us into the world toward the poor and hurting, who are not separate from us, but the rest of us.
When Jesus “was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight,” he left us in that in-between place where we have let go of the past but not yet seen the future. This is where the spiritual path leads us.
Due to technical difficulties, we were unable to record the sermon this week.
We apologize for whatever inconvenience this may have caused.
How do we listen & follow God’s leadings?