Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.
The power of love casts out the demons in us– our fear and self-centeredness– so that, set free, we can join in God’s work of casting out the world’s demons of evil, injustice and oppression.
When Jesus calls us, “Follow me,” it’s an invitation to discern what God is doing in our lives (or our church) and stay close to that. Jesus may call us to a new life, but he always invites us deeper into this life.
On Human Relations Sunday, we wrestle with what God is calling us to do individually and corporately. Like Samuel and Nathaniel, we must first commit our individual hearts to the work of the Kingdom before we can join the others following Jess on the Way.
Baptized “into Christ,” we become part of Christ’s life instead of our own self-made lives, as if we are living under an assumed identity. But actually our self-made identity is the false one. Baptism proclaims our true identity: we are God’s beloved.
Imagine the magi as they followed that star: single-mindedly, with perseverance, enduring sacrifice and opposition. Follow the light of Christ with that kind of devotion.
Anna and Simeon had different styles and spiritual disciplines, but they both were watching for the holy, and ready to greet the miraculous in the Christ child. Our calling is to watch for the holy in everyone, and honor it.
As we meditate, line by line, on Mary’s song of praise called the “Magnificat,” we listen for God: how is God present in your life? How are you a part of God’s healing of the world? How is Christ being born in you?
We live by hope: not wishful thinking, but trust because we know that the future is already present. This hope energizes us to work for healing and justice even when it looks like a lost cause.