Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.
The promise of Christmas is that God is at work in you. God chooses you to bring God’s love into the world. Trust this, and you will know deep blessing.
Christmas isn’t sentimental: it means God’s justice. We anticipate the coming of that realm by living as if it is already here– and so it is!
To “prepare a way” for God to come into our lives we need to clear some space in our schedules and make time for prayer. And we need to clear some space in our minds, practicing silence and patient listening.
When the world seems dark we might think it’s foolish to hope. But God invites us not to abandon our hopes, but to deepen them. Advent invites us to get in touch with our deepest longings, and find God there.
Jesus seemed to live in a parallel universe. He called it the reign of God. He invited us to live there too– in a world of grace and love, not at all like the world of appearances we think we live in.
Gratitude isn’t the result of a blessed life: it’s the prerequisite. Practice gratitude first, then you’ll see how blessed you are.
You have a gift. It may seem worth little; but belonging to the whole Body of the Universe, it is essential. Give it generously
All Saints Sunday celebrates both “upper” and “lowercase” saints. We need a neighborhood of saints to practice love, justice, and mercy together so that we can love God, our neighbors and our selves here at St. Matthews’s and in neighborhoods far and near.