Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.
Even at a distance we can touch and be touched: presence is not a matter of physical proximity but entering into one another’s joy and pain.
The whole service, live streamed. God’s grace is hidden in each person, in each moment. Trust, have courage, try new things, and listen to each other to hear that wholeness that’s there.
Jesus says we need to be born again. To do that the first thing you have to do is die.
God helps us let go of “needs” we don’t really need, setting us free from compulsions, enabling us to live by God’s Spirit alone.
Baptism conveys to us the promise of Jesus’ baptism and transfiguration, death and resurrection: serve God and seek justice. Things may not turn out well for you, but you’ll be OK.
Scripture doesn’t say we can;t get angry: it says to focus our anger on things, nit people. Anger is an emotion that we feel; love is an action we take. We can do both at the same time.
You don’t need to be enlightened: you are light. The challenge is to shine with the light of our true souls– which changes the world,.
The beatitudes invite us to seek communion with God instead of the world’s values, living by the grace of God instead of our own effort or power.