Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.
Jesus says we are salt and light. Where are the places in our world that need seasoning or that we can shine our light? Rev. Megan Stowe, the District Superintendent of the Commonwealth West District is going to preach this Sunday.
What does generosity mean to you? What does God do with our generosity? This Sunday, Rev. Ted Crass from United Methodist Foundation of New England is going to talk about them.
Like dropping a stone into still water, acts of kindness can be passed forward and outward. Big stones make a big splash, but even the tiniest pebble creates a ripple that spreads, even if it becomes too small for our eyes to see. Christmas time is full of celebrations, gifts and acts of kindness. Many are big, like a big rock dropped into the water. But now that the decorations are put away and the year continues on, I hope we can all remember that acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, still create a ripple. The “call to action” is simply to remember that and show small acts of kindness whenever we get the chance.
Being mindful brings to mind phrases like “Let it be” and “Let go, let God.” Based on that, we might think MLK was not practicing mindfulness. We would be wrong in thinking that. This Sunday, our lay preacher John Bennett is going to talk about it, based on James 2:12-26.
Apostle Paul introduces his heritage and faith journey. He describes his life before knowing Christ, how he knew Christ and his life after knowing Christ. Likewise, our lay preacher Patriciah Makora is going to share her testimonial and invite you to reflect on your own life journey and share your faith story to proclaim God’s good news.
We will be facing new problems, pressures, and possibilities in 2023. This Sunday, we will learn what the Bible has to say about what each of these requires.
When we cannot have our beloved ones who were always with us at Christmas, where can we find joy and hope? Like the song “Blue Christmas” says, “I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, Christmas.” On Christmas Day, we are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about it.
Are we Christians limiting God as we personify God and discriminating others with our belief in that personified God? Or are we bringing them the good news that God who is Spirit makes us vital? This Sunday, we are going to reflect on these questions as we prepare ourselves for Jesus Christ’s 2nd Advent (“coming”).