Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.


Talent Tree Potluck November 24th

On Sunday November 24th, after Service, we hope you will join us for a Potluck, where we can explore all the different talents offered by our congregation. If you can help provide food for the potluck, or help with setup or cleanup, please let us know below. Thank you!

Breakfast and lunch on Oct. 26, 2024

The Bishop and Leadership Team of the New England Annual Conference are having a day retreat at St. Matthew’s on 10/26, and have asked if we can help provide breakfast (8:30) and lunch (12:30). There will be approximately 50 people attending. If you can help provide breakfast items, and/or can help with setup/cleanup, please sign…

Festival of Sharing Volunteers

Volunteers needed for the Festival: Calling all St. Matthew’s members!  The Festival of Sharing is under a month away – Saturday, December 3, 10:00 – 2:00.  Many things are all lined up, including 21 amazing organizations, live vocal and handbell music, and crafts for kids (and adults?).  But, there are lots of ways in which…

Following Your Star

We’ve heard the story of the magi following the star to find the newborn king.  We can imagine they had to travel far and search wide, and not give up or get waylaid. What divine treasure are you seeking in your life?  What are you called to do?  What gifts do you have to offer? …