Join us on Sunday mornings as we affirm God’s grace and love in the world around us. Our virtual YouTube doors open at 10:15 for fellowship and the worship service begins at 10:30. Participating in communion is not a requirement. Click on the YouTube logo to join us virtually on Sundays, or to watch previous services. 
We warmly welcome, affirm and include all people. St. Matthew’s stands for the dignity, worth and full inclusion of all people. We offer an open-hearted community where people may find their divine belovedness, belonging and calling. God loves all people. So do we.
We have adult Christian Education at 9:00 Sunday mornings, and children and youth Christian Education at 9:15. For information about our Children and Youth programs, click HERE. Join the Sunday School for adults at 9:00 am in the Library at St. Matthew’s, or click HERE to join remotely. The classes discuss a variety of timely topics. All are welcome!
We offer opportunities for adult development throughout the week, and recognize that help can come in a variety of ways. To see ongoing events check the homepage. To see some resources we have collected for you, click HERE. We also have videos of past worship services, as well as inspirational messages on our YouTube channel, which you can access by clicking on the YouTube logo.
Click HERE to watch additional previous services.
If you would like to share a prayer request, click on the envelope below or send an email to ''.