Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Sermons by Rev. Jinwoo Chun (Page 5)

Do We Truly Believe in Love Jesus Christ?

How are we doing with Jesus Christ’s commandment, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”? Are we truly including all persons in “each other?” Pastor Jinwoo will share his conversion story about how God transformed him from distancing himself from homosexuals to engaging with them. Jessie Oehrlein will share her story about her journey within Christian communities.

Self-Loving or Egocentric? Part 1

Jesus Christ demonstrated God’s unconditional love for us through His death and resurrection; nothing, not even death, can separate us from God’s steadfast love! As Easter people, how do we respond to this priceless love of God? What is the first step God calls us to take to participate in God’s ongoing transforming power and love?

Who Are you Looking For?

When Mary finds the tomb empty, she stands weeping at the vacant grave. Jesus, mysteriously appearing as the gardener, asks her: “Why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” On this Easter morning, who (or what) are we looking for? What kind of Jesus are we looking for? Who/what do we see in the living Christ? As we journey into Eastertide, in what ways will we continue to look for Jesus in the world?

Where Are You Headed?

When looking into the context of the story of the first Palm Sunday, we uncover how two parades are occurring at once. Jesus’ unconventional and unexpected entry into the city parallels the extravagant parade of Pilate, the Roman governor. As they enter the city for the Passover, they embody different directions. Pilate commands military dominance and imperial power; Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God and the way of peace. Which one are we following? In the midst of opposing forces, which way will we go?

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