According to a 2018 survey by Cigna, 46 percent of Americans reported sometimes or always feeling alone, and 20 percent reported never feeling close to people. This Sunday, we will explore four common causes of loneliness through 2 Timothy 4.
According to a 2018 survey by Cigna, 46 percent of Americans reported sometimes or always feeling alone, and 20 percent reported never feeling close to people. This Sunday, we will explore four common causes of loneliness through 2 Timothy 4.
This Sunday, Pastor Jinwoo will testify how his faith (faith as trust, faith as vision, and faith as loyalty) has blessed him while going through a trial.
The Christian Church has taught that divorce is sinful based on Matthew 5:31-32. But does Jesus really mean to condemn divorce as sinful in this passage? Considering the context of the text, there should be a deeper meaning to what Jesus intended. What does Jesus truly mean in the “divorce passage” of the Gospel according to Matthew?
Faith is central to Christianity, but its meaning can vary. Is faith simply the belief in certain statements as true, whether in the form of biblical teachings, doctrines, or dogma? If there is more to it, what is that deeper aspect? Last time, we talked about faith as assensus and faith fiducia. This Sunday, we will explore the meanings of faith as fidelitas and visio.
The Biblical mandate to welcome strangers, to both sympathize and empathize with them, is very clear. We will explore what is asked of us and what welcoming the stranger might look like in our own communities today.
Faith is central to Christianity, but its meaning can vary. Is faith simply the belief in certain statements as true, whether in the form of biblical teachings, doctrines, or dogma? If there is more to it, what is that deeper aspect?
How do you see Christianity? This Sunday, we will explore a couple of ways to understand Jesus and His teachings.
What happens to us after we die? Will we go to either heaven or hell? What does life after this life look like? This Sunday, we will explore what the Bible has to say about these questions.