Stewardship Program an opportunity to examine my priorities. Where is God on my priority list?
How can I make God my first priority? We are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about it this Sunday.
Stewardship Program an opportunity to examine my priorities. Where is God on my priority list?
How can I make God my first priority? We are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about it this Sunday.
We St. Matthew’s have our Stewardship Program from today through November 8th. What does Stewardship Program mean to you?
1. It is an opportunity to check up my ATTITUDE toward God, the Provider, and God’s blessings God has already given to me.
2. It is an opportunity to examine my PRIORITIES. Where is God on my priority list? Stewardship Program is an opportunity for me to decide to put God first in your priorities.
WWJD? It is one of the well-known expressions among Christian communities. What would Jesus do? In order to do what Jesus would do, we first need to know what He did. WDJD? What did Jesus do? Jesus erased the lines of the legalism which Pharisees and teachers of religious law drew by using the Word of God. Jesus erased the lines which created insiders and outsiders. He rather offered the Table of love and mercy for ALL.
WWJD? It is one of the well-known expressions among Christian communities. What would Jesus do? In order to do what Jesus would do, we first need to know what He did. WDJD? What did Jesus do? This week we find Zacchaeus in Luke, a woman at the well in John, and Paul in Acts. What did Jesus do in their life journeys? Jesus met the broken where they were. And He received them and embraced them as they were. That was where transformation began.
WWJD? It is one of the well-known expressions among Christian communities. What would Jesus do? In order to do what Jesus would do, we first need to know what He did. WDJD? What did Jesus do? This week we are going to learn one of many things that Jesus did through the story of “A Woman Caught in Adultery”. In John 8. Jesus refused to stand with the accusers by lowering Himself. And He took the place of compassion.
What do you expect from God when you run into problems and trials? Magic? Miracles? Or nothing? We are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about what God does when we are going through problems and trials.
What does repenting mean? Why do I want to repent? Why do I want to change my life style to Jesus’ way? The Bible may give you the answers to these questions through Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus’ grace.
When you played hide-and-seek as a child, were you too good at hiding, so you felt abandoned at times? While hiding good, had you ever wanted somebody to come and find you, “Ally-Ally, In Come Free!”?
Are you trying to hide from God and people because of your brokenness, vulnerability, faults and flaws, or fears, then wondering why you are feeling abandoned and alone? Can you hear somebody yelling, “Ally-Ally, In Come Free!”? Somebody is coming to find you!