Jesus saw the outcasts and outsiders with His great compassion. Jesus sees you when you feel left out or isolated with His great compassion. How do you respond to Jesus Christ in following Him?
Jesus saw the outcasts and outsiders with His great compassion. Jesus sees you when you feel left out or isolated with His great compassion. How do you respond to Jesus Christ in following Him?
Jesus valued women, saw them, had compassion for them, ministered with them, and lifted them. Jesus saw them as children of God. How are you doing in following Jesus Christ?
Jesus valued women, saw them, had compassion for them, ministered with them, and lifted them. Jesus saw them as children of God. How are you doing in following Jesus Christ?
During Lent, we will read Luke’s Gospel and talk about its central theme which is that Jesus came to lift up the lowly. This Sunday, we are going to learn through the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Mary what the Bible has to say about God’s concern for those who are easily “unseen” in our society.
The Lenten journey toward Easter begins with the Imposition of Ashes this Wednesday, February 22. Ashes mean mortality and repentance in Christian tradition. This Sunday, Pastor Jinwoo is going to introduce some ways to apply these symbolic meanings to our daily life by sharing his experiences with his parents in Korea.
We will be facing new problems, pressures, and possibilities in 2023. This Sunday, we will learn what the Bible has to say about what each of these requires.
When we cannot have our beloved ones who were always with us at Christmas, where can we find joy and hope? Like the song “Blue Christmas” says, “I’ll have a blue, blue, blue, Christmas.” On Christmas Day, we are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about it.
Are we Christians limiting God as we personify God and discriminating others with our belief in that personified God? Or are we bringing them the good news that God who is Spirit makes us vital? This Sunday, we are going to reflect on these questions as we prepare ourselves for Jesus Christ’s 2nd Advent (“coming”).