2108 Stewardship Moments: Touched by Grace

Photo: Sunrise over a field

During our 2018 Fall Stewardship season, we will hear from a variety of people on Grace; How they’ve been touched by it.  We hope these messages will touch you as well.

Gabe November 18th, 2018

I got this moon jar from Mrs. Weber.  When I get money, I split it between the Save, Share, and Spend.  When I was writing to Mevil in Kenya, I wanted to give the kids in Kenya all my Share money.

John November 11th, 2018

Good morning! For the few of you blessed to not know me, I’m John Bennett.  I’ve been a member of St. Matthew’s for a long time now.  In today’s stewardship moment I want to talk about giving. No, not exhorting you to give!  Others will take care of that I think.  Rather, I want to talk about the joy of giving.

Yes, I said that. The Joy of Giving.

I used to begrudge giving.  Not just to the church, but to anyone else who asked me for a gift, a contribution, support their fund-raising, my schools. Whatever.  I suspect there are some of you out there who feel that way.

I started to give more, especially to the church, out of a sense of obligation.  A recognition of need, and that I needed to and that I could step forward to help.  I wasn’t really happy about it, but I gave.  And, not realizing it, I started a journey of giving.

But somewhere along that journey, I was transformed. Indeed, I was blessed.  How so?  I like giving.

Really!  I like giving! I go out of my way to give.  I remember one season I saw a cub scout and his dad on a cross street while out for a walk. I turned, met them, and asked if they were selling cub scout popcorn for fundraising. They said yes, and I said sign me up!  The job on the boy’s face was a delight to see!

I always say yes to any of the youth (those who reach out and ask!) who are raising funds for a good cause.  I always say yes now to friends who are supporting a particular cause (usually by running or walking!).

Why?  Because it makes me feel good.  It’s like eating ice cream, I can’t wait for the next bite.  Another reason?  Because I can see in their eyes, and hear in their voice, not only warmth and an appreciation for my quick and pleasant affirmative response (well, hopefully pleasant) but also gratitude for the gift they’ve received, that I was able to give, to help them fulfill and support a passion of their own.  It makes me feel great!

And, similarly, I enjoy giving to St. Matthew’s.  I love seeing all the work that so many of you do, to bless this congregation, to bless our communities, and to bless and support the world.  And I accept that the support for that work requires that I support the physical needs of the church as well.  I am happy to help provide that support.

Like church, Sunday School, reading the bible, or becoming a disciple, the best way to enjoy giving is to start giving. Open that door and walk through it! Make yes your default answer when asked!  I can only pray that you’ll come to love giving as much as I do.

Thank you and bless you all!


Christy November 4th, 2018

Francesca October 28th, 2018

Sharing (How God’s grace has touched my family)

2017 was a particularly tough year for our family. We lived in California at the time. I wasn’t totally happy at work and worried a lot about not spending enough time with my family (Lucie especially). I was thankful that Max was home taking care of Lucie. But I also knew Max was yearning to get back to school and the workforce. However, in August of 2017, we were invited to a retreat (the emmaus walk) by UMCTO where we brought our fears and worries to God. We prayed for direction and grace and I can say for certain, God heard us and did not disappoint! In the last 10-11 months, we have smoothly transitioned to Massachusetts, Max got into and started grad school, I started a new job(which I love), we became permanent US residence, and Lucie started pre-school. God’s grace has been so abundant and sufficient for my family and I believe he continues to listen to our prayers!!

So at this time, I just want to tell you that no matter what you are going through, know that God is listening and will answer your prayers. Amen!!

Leslie October 21st, 2018

In thinking about being touched by God’s Grace, I started looking for some grand, epic experience I could share with you, but what kept coming back to me were experiences so small that may easily have been overlooked.

  • Smiling at a child
  • Having that smile returned
  • Holding the door open for someone
  • Being asked to reach for an item on the top shelf at the grocery store for someone who couldn’t reach.
  • Listening and offering empathy and encouragement to a woman who is trying to propel her life forward despite an abusive ex-husband who has custody of their children and he continues to belittle her.
  • Saying I forgive you to my husband
  • Listening to beautiful music, especially when it moves me to tears
  • Talking with my kids
  • Walking into this sanctuary and feeling God’s presence in my soul
  • Singing
  • Offering a warm hello, smile, food, or money to someone on the street
  • Being ready to forgive a friend
  • Petting my dog and cat and feeling how much they love me
  • Listening to a sermon and connecting deeply to its meaning
  • Reading a book and getting lost in it
  • Working with a friend on a church event and experiencing her kindness because she knows that my time is limited
  • Being open to my husband when he forgives me
  • Laughing with abandon
  • Writing this list of small moments

While I would be very open and happy to receive grand and epic gestures of God’s Grace, I think it is somehow in the smallness of my experiences that makes them significant.  Because I’ve had to stop and think.  I’ve had to reach inside to look for them, and I when I did, they were right there.  I wonder if this is what I’m supposed to get from this exercise.  That Grace is right in front of me – all the time – I just have to notice.

And I wonder, maybe God is Grace and Grace and God are the same thing.  I have no idea, but I thank you, God, for all of your Grace.

Kris October 7th, 2018

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:8-10).

God’s grace: God’s forgiveness is limitless. As I have shared before, I do not always agree with the plan God has for me. And in the moment when I am disagreeing with the plan and trying to “get my way”, I am setting myself up for the need of grace. Forgiveness for being mad and trying to prove to God that His plan is not the right plan. I am grateful for that forgiveness and grace.

This summer I had one job interview and one job offer. For me, the offer benefitted me. I would get to work in a new environment, in a “dream position”, and get to move much closer to family. It all sounded good to me. On the same day my offer came, so did an offer for John, in the same geographic area! It was meant to be, right? Wrong. John’s fell through first. Mine, as many of you heard took a bit longer. I was not pleased with this turn of events. Then I got my list of kiddos, almost 90 total. Then I got the paperwork. That is when I started to question this turn. Why am I still here?

I got my answers. First, a former student had a rough go of it this summer and the beginning of this year. She comes down to my room each day to see me. Check in and get positive affirmation. Then, I find myself taking the lead on things that I don’t normally do. I know that is something I need to work on in order to do the “dream job” well. And I can see other moments here and there that let me know I am where God wants me to be. Do I always agree? No. And when I disagree I am seeking that grace again.

We are all fortunate to be recipients of God’s grace. While you may not always agree with God, know that He is still there to carry you through.



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