Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Youth and Teen Focus

Youth contribute a great deal to the current life of our church and constitute its future. Our youth are some of our most engaged, honest, spiritually curious, open-minded disciples.  They’re moving beyond the work of childhood, which is seeking answers, to the adult work of forming better questions.  The church’s role is to demonstrate and encourage an intentional lifelong faith journey for youth.

We are a vibrant church with many families and youth (6th-12th grade.) Our youth participate in the Saint Matthew’s faith community in many ways:

Assisting with & attending Sunday School (for all ages)

Worship – as Acolytes, Ushers, Greeters, and Lay Readers

Serving as members of Ministry Teams

Christian Community Service

Children’s Worship “Wonder Time”  Assistants

Festival of Sharing Volunteers

Mission Trips, Retreats & Summer Camps

Assisting with Vacation Bible School


Confirmation Class (9th-12th Graders)

Our Confirmation Class is offered every other year. Led by Rev. Chun, and multiple adult mentors, this class offers older teens time to dig deep, think hard and ask questions about:

  • What it means to be a Christian
  • What it means to belong to a Church
  • What is this thing called Faith
  • What does the United Methodist Church offer me in my Faith Journey and why should I care
  • And other topics that teens may wonder about as they head toward adulthood and consider their spiritual needs and the gifts that they have to offer the world.

We hope all youth find a place here, welcomed for who they are and what they bring to the community. Through worship, service, and opportunities to learn, we invite them to grow into more of who God has created them to be.

We are always open to welcoming new volunteers and dedicated youth and parents to help us love, serve and grow.  If you would like to be part of our youth ministry, please call the church at 978.263.2822 or email