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Jesus models dealing with our basic ego-needs for power, security and belonging by practicing our Belovedness.
The Transfiguration is a “mountain top” moment for Jesus, his disciples and for us. We are invited to take the light of of God’s love and, with Jesus, “turn our faces” toward Jerusalem – and the work of justice waiting to be done.
To turn the other cheek is not to be a doormat: it’s to be with Christ in the vulnerable places in our lives and relationships. To establish justice we can”t just enact policies from a place of power: we have to be vulnerable and share our power.
Jesus sees the law not as a legal hoop to jump through but as an invitation to love. Justice comes about when we lovingly care for the other person as a person, not as an object of our feelings or opinions.
Justice is not merely a set of legal structures, but relationships in which we shine God’s light, and see God’s light in others.
Sermon series on Justice. #1. Justice is not based on deserving, but on sharing God’s free gift of life, blessing, meaning, power and belovedness to every person.
Jesus, the “lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” relieves us of our fear. To follow him means to live in such a way that others may be free from fear.
God, too, says, “I have a dream.” It’s what Jesus calls the “kingdom of heaven,” or the realm of God. It’s an Empire of grace and justice, shared equally by all people. We are called to follow Jesus in working for that dream, against all fear and hatred that will resist God’s dream.