Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Previous Sermons (Page 2)

Click on the “Watch” button below the sermon that you would like to hear. If you would like to download the sermon to watch it later, click on either button and click “Watch Later”. We pray that these sermons will help us learn and grow in our faith. We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning so you can experience the full fellowship and love of the gathered community.

Love Knows Your Name Christmas Eve Family Service

What does Emmanuel-God with us-mean to you? How do you bring this Emmanuel God to your neighbor, especially those who are ignored, isolated, or marginalized? On Christmas Eve, we will reflect on the profound intimacy of God’s relationship with each of us. Through the birth of Jesus Christ, God chose to be born, coming as close to each of us as possible!

Love Knows Your Name Christmas Eve Cantata Service

What does Emmanuel-God with us-mean to you? How do you bring this Emmanuel God to your neighbor, especially those who are ignored, isolated, or marginalized? On Christmas Eve, we will reflect on the profound intimacy of God’s relationship with each of us. Through the birth of Jesus Christ, God chose to be born, coming as close to each of us as possible!

Hope Is Worth the Risk

What do you hope for? In a world where so many are weary and worn down, can we practice hope on their behalf? Could our expressions of hope serve as a life raft for those struggling to stay afloat? This Sunday, we’ll reflect on the story of Mary and Joseph in the Gospel according to Matthew to discover how we can embody hope not only for ourselves but for others in need.

Do the Good That Is Yours to Do

Feeling overwhelmed by the world’s problems can leave us unsure of how to respond. Yet, as followers of Jesus Christ, we recognize that He has called us to bring His presence into a broken world. This Sunday, we will explore biblical guidance on sharing the hope, peace, and joy of Jesus Christ in a problem-filled world.

We Can’t Go Alone

One of life’s most essential lessons is that we are never meant to go alone. And yet, modern culture pushes us more and more into lonely silos. What does God desire for us in the midst of this cultural current? This Sunday, we will explore what the Bible teaches about this through the story of Naomi and Ruth.

You Are a Blessing

When we stop believing that we are a blessing to God, we may stop believing this about others. Conversely, when we are rooted in our blessedness, we can treat every created being as a blessing. This Sunday, we will begin the Advent season with God’s word of blessing.

What Will Be Your Focus This Christmas?

Think about your family’s Christmas traditions. How many of them prioritize your own comfort and pleasure? How many center on the presence of Jesus Christ? This Sunday, we will explore how to focus on bringing the presence of Jesus Christ into others’ lives, rather than emphasizing the giving and receiving of presents with families and close friends this Christmas