Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Welcome to Saint Matthew’s

We are a gentle community of people who care about love, spiritual growth, and social justice. We welcome everybody regardless of race, status, sexual identity, or religious background. We hope to help each other discover the Divine in our lives and live in harmony with God’s grace. We are all on a life changing journey walking with God, and we aim to love and support each other along the way. Most of us hold a progressive theology, and all of us believe that every person deserves love and dignity. We don’t care about the size of your donation or what clothes you wear on Sundays (or any other day). We care about your heart and your life. We want to grow in our faith, and love God, ourselves and others more and more, as God has loved us.

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am as we affirm God’s grace and love in the world around us. We share Communion the first Sunday in every month, and we offer it to everyone, as God offers his love to us unconditionally. This means children are welcome to receive communion, if you don’t proclaim to be part of the United Methodist Church, or any other church, you are welcome to receive communion. Jesus offers his life to us freely. You can also choose not to take communion, or if you are not able to walk up to receive Communion, the Pastor will come to you. Please let the person greeting you know when you arrive. 

If you wish to join the Service remotely, our virtual YouTube doors open at 10:15 am for fellowship and the worship service begins at 10:30 am. Click HERE to join virtually, or to watch previous services.

We have adult Christian Education from 9-10 am Sunday mornings. You can join the Sunday School for adults in the Library (basement level) at St. Matthew’s, or click HERE to join remotely. The classes discuss a variety of timely topics. All are welcome! Please reach out to to learn more.

Children and Youth can join Sunday School from 9:15-10:15 am every Sunday during the school year. Younger children (infants through age 6) are welcome to our staffed nursery during Sunday School and Service (9:15 am – noon). During Service (10:30 am), kids can sit with their parents, or join other children at the Children’s Corner in the Sanctuary where they can enjoy books, activity bags, and more. There is also a more private Family Room in the Sanctuary where you can observe the Service. For more information about our children’s programs please reach out to our Director Sydney Novais at

If you would like the Pastor to contact you, ask for prayers, would like to receive our weekly newsletter, would like to know more about St. Matthew’s or something else, please reach out to the office at, or fill out this form.

History of St. Matthew’s
Mission Statement
Relational Covenant for Christian Living