Text Giving

We have implemented Text Giving.  This allows you to send a text message that will donate to Saint Matthew’s directly from your cell phone. And it is really easy to do!  Standard texting rates apply if you do not have an unlimited texting plan. Also, Saint Matthew’s will pay a fee of 3% for all credit card and debit card transactions, and 1% for the ACH (bank) transfers, so please considering making you donation a little larger to cover these fees.

How to give!

Begin by creating a text message to go to 978-486-5224. You can save that phone number as a St. Matthew’s contact.

Enter an amount, and, if wanted, a command.

Hit Send! What’s simpler than that?
(First time will ask for your financial info)

Listed below are some example commands and their meanings (not case sensitive):

Command Description
$50 Gives $50 to the General Contribution Fund ($50 & 50 both work)
give The response will be “How much would you like to give?.
$100 Pledge Gives $100 toward your annual pledge
$25 Easter Gives $25 toward the Easter Offering
$75 Thanksgiving Gives $75 toward the Thanksgiving Offering
$35 Christmas Gives $35 toward the Christmas Offering
$125 Africa Gives $125 toward the Tree of Lives (George in Africa) Fund
$45 Staff Gives $45 toward Staff Gifts
$50 weekly Gives $50 to the General Contribution Fund, recurring weekly
$100 Pledge weekly Gives $100 toward your annual pledge, recurring weekly
Refund Refunds the previously given contribution. 1
update Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift. Your text giving number will respond with a link where users can make these changes. 2
unlink Unlinks a user’s phone from the text to give system.
commands Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords we have set up for our church)
Notes: 1 Donors can only refund their own gift with this command within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled.
2 You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving. To learn how to update non-text-originated recurring gifts visit View and Modify Recurring Donations
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