Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Growing a Heart of Peace One Day Retreat

Image: Small Green Heart of PeaceGrowing a Heart of Peace  – March 23

Do you experience tension or conflict in relationships or conversations that you wish were more peaceful? Do you wish you yelled at your kids less, or wish you could talk to people who disagree with you about politics or other controversies—without rancor or arguing?  You can have an open, amicable relationship with anyone—even people who are dead wrong!  How?  By bringing a heart of peace to the relationship.

Much of the conflict in our relationships is not because we disagree, but because we come at the relationship with a heart of war: an attitude of judgment, defensiveness and the need to be right—a need to win.  A heart of peace frees us to relate with freedom, power, and creativity.

St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church in Acton is hosting a one-day retreat led by Pastor Steve on Saturday, March 23, 9:00 – 3:00, to offer time to ponder the various aspects of “war and peace” within us, tap into a source of healing, and develop a stronger heart of peace.  If you wish to prepare for it you might read “The Anatomy of Peace” by the Arbinger Institute (second edition) —but it is not required for attending the retreat.  The retreat is open to everyone and is free of charge.  We invite you to bring a brown bag lunch.

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