Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Wezesha Kupaa Presentation and Breakfast Potluck

Join us for a potluck breakfast and presentation by Dr. Pam Follett and highlights from her visit to Wezesha Kupaa in December 2023.

Wezesha Kupaa (Swahili for Enable to Fly), is a medical, social, and educational outreach for children with disabilities in rural Tanzania, located at the YWAM-Mwandege Mission Base about 25km south of Dar es Salaam.  The YWAM Mission Base includes Uzima Medical Clinic, Outreach Teams, and DaySpring Academy, that work in partnership with Wezesha Kupaa to provide children with disabilities in remote coastal regions of Tanzania better access to specialized health care and increased educational opportunities.

We will meet on March 16 @ 9:00 am in Campbell Hall. We hope you will join us and bring a breakfast item to share. To ensure we have a variety of items, please note what others have agreed to bring. Suggestions:

  • Half dozen bagels & cream cheese
  • Half dozen large muffins or one quick bread
  • Breakfast casserole
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Fruit Salad
  • One 1/2-gallon Half-and-Half

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
I can bring food to share#1: Carmen L.
#2: Marilyn R.
#3: Sara W.
#4: Mr and Mrs Peter B.
#5: Sara W.
#6: Lynne O.
#7: Ann D.
#8: Diana K.
#9: Betsy C.
#10: Peg M.
#11: Laura G.
#12: Nicole F.
#13: Clelia S.