Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.


On July 10th. heavy rainfall from Hurricane Beryl caused devastating floods and damage in Vermont. This was exactly the one year anniversary of their devastating floods last year. They had almost fully recovered when this new storm hit. UMC’s Disaster Relief Coordinator is asking for each New England UMC congregation to create 5 Flood Buckets.  Please help us collect these items.  We need 5 of each item listed below, one for each bucket. You may place your donations from the bucket list in the yellow chest in St. Matthew’s foyer. We will collect items the next 3 weeks. Thank you for your support of our New England neighbors and UMC Disaster Relief. Any questions ask Peggy Papanastassiou or Betsy Comstock.

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Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
5 gallon bucket with resealable lid. NO screw lids. Bucket may be used but must be free of all residual product#1: Carmen L.
#2: Rose W.
#3: Carla B.
#4: Carla B.
#5: Connie W.
32-64 ounce liquid laundry detergent#1: Betsy C.
#2: Betsy C.
#3: Connie W.
#4: Jane M.
#5: Rose W.
16-34 ounce liquid dish soap#1: Betsy C.
#2: Betsy C.
#3: Betsy C.
#4: Betsy C.
#5: Betsy C.
Scrub brushes, with or without handles#1: Connie W.
#2: Peg M.
#3: Rose W.
36-50 clothes pins per bucket#1: Connie W.
#2: Peg M.
#3: Amy M.
#4: Jennifer8 M.
#5: Nicole F.
50-100 ft. clothesline (cotton or plastic line)#1: Connie W.
#2: Jennifer8 M.
#3: Peg M.
#4: Amy M.
24 roll of heavy duty trash bags, 33-45 gallon size#1: Carmen L.
#2: Connie W.
#3: Rose W.
#4: Jennifer W.
#5: Jennifer W.
2 pair durable kitchen gloves#1: Carmen L.
#2: Connie W.
#3: Rose W.
1 pair work gloves, all leather or cotton with leather palm#1: Connie W.
5 scouring pads - NO stainless steel pads with soap in them#1: Peggy P.
#2: Peggy P.
#3: Peggy P.
#4: Connie W.
#5: Jane M.