Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Donate Food and/or Help in the Kitchen at Festival of Sharing

SIGN UP NOW     * * *    FoS Breakfast & Lunch

Your Festival Steering Committee is re-introducing meals to FoS!! The plan is to offer a simple breakfast (bagels & fruit) and a simple lunch (soups, crackers & fruit) including coffee, tea or cider from the kitchen window in Campbell Hall. In order to keep it simple and streamlined we need donations of specific food items and volunteers to help during the event. Make sure to check this list to see what’s needed before you sign up. Also, make sure you notice the different length of shifts available between 8am-3pm. 

Sign up below to help with FOOD DONATIONS or to WORK IN THE KITCHEN. Thank you! For more info: See Connie W:

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
Help in the kitchen
I can work in the kitchen 8-10am#1: Kathryn C.
I can work in the kitchen 9-11am#1: Diana K.
I can work in the kitchen 10-12 noon#1: Kathryn C.
I can work in the kitchen 11-1pm#1: Carla B.
I can work in the kitchen 12-2pm#1: Leslie B.
I can work in the kitchen 1-3pm#1: Pam B.
I can work in the kitchen 8am-12noon#1: Leslie B.
I can work in the kitchen 11am-3pm#1:
I can work in the kitchen 10am-2pm#1:
I can work in the kitchen 8am-3pm#1: Connie W.
Donate Food
I will bring the following to share#1: Betsy C.
#2: Marilyn R.
#3: Leslie B.
#4: lynne o.
#5: Nicole F.
#6: Jonathan S.
#7: Dean and Susan R.
#8: Peggy P.
#9: Peggy P.
#10: Carmen L.
#11: Susan R.
#12: Nancy V.