Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

BSN’s 20th Anniversary Breakfast Potluck February 10 @ 9am in Campbell Hall at St. Matthew’s UMC

Boston Share Network, founded in 2004 by our own Len and Dot Werst, is celebrating 20 years of support to those without homes in the Boston area, and we will be celebrating their work on February 10 @ 9am in Campbell Hall. We hope you will join us and bring a breakfast item to share. To ensure we have a variety of items, please note what others have agreed to bring. Suggestions:

  • Half dozen bagels & cream cheese
  • Half dozen large muffins or one quick bread
  • Breakfast casserole
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • Fruit Salad
  • One 1/2-gallon Half-and-Half

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
I can bring food to share#1: Susan E.
#2: Trudi B.
#3: Marilyn R.
#4: Carla B.
#5: Peter B.
#6: Peg M.
#7: Nancy V.
#8: Pam F.
#9: Diana K.
#10: Connie W.
#11: Mary S.
#12: Jane M.
#13: Donna and Ed Y.
#14: Sara W.
#15: Susan Z.
#16: Melissa R.
#17: Sue, Tom and Dorothy W.
#18: Clelia S.
#19: Anon A.
#20: Kim W.
#21: Linda S.
#22: Marcia R.
#23: Jennifer W.
#24: Ann D.