Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Breakfast and lunch on Oct. 26, 2024

The Bishop and Leadership Team of the New England Annual Conference are having a day retreat at St. Matthew’s on 10/26, and have asked if we can help provide breakfast (8:30) and lunch (12:30). There will be approximately 50 people attending. If you can help provide breakfast items, and/or can help with setup/cleanup, please sign up below. We hope to have the lunch catered. If you have any questions, please reach out to Aase at, or melissa at

Please avoid the following items in any food products: nuts, strawberries, kiwis, soy products (like soybeans, soybean oil, soy sauce.)

Thank you!

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
Half dozen bagels & cream cheese#1: Connie W.
Half dozen GLUTEN FREE bagels & cream cheese#1: Lynne O.
Half dozen large muffins or one quick bread#1: Marcia R.
Half dozen GLUTEN FREE large muffins or one quick bread#1: Carla B.
Breakfast casserole#1: Peggy P.
#2: Marcia R.
#3: Aase K.
Dozen Cinnamon rolls#1: Aase K.
#2: Carla B.
Vegetable Lasagna#1: Hyeweon H.
Good bread for soup#1: Nancy V.
#2: Mireya B.
Large salads (no meat)#1: Susan Z.
Gluten free bread#1:
Fruit salad or platter (avoid kiwi and strawberries)#1: Marilyn R.
#2: Donna G.
One 1/2-gallon Half-and-Half#1: Thelma S.
#2: Thelma S.
#3: Ioana S.
Half-gallon juice#1: Nancy V.
#2: Nancy V.
#3: Ioana S.
Set-up/Serve Breakfast#1: Melissa R.
#2: Connie W.
#3: Lynne O.
#4: Hyeweon H.
Clean-up Breakfast#1: Melissa R.
#2: Connie W.
Set-up/Serve Lunch#1: Melissa R.
#2: Connie W.
Clean-up lunch#1: Melissa R.