Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Maundy Thursday Service

The attached recording is the worship service that was held on Maundy Thursday, April 2, 2015.

The segment of “washing of the feet” was shortened for the listener.


“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.

Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”

  • John 13.34

PRELUDE                                                                      Bread of the World

Gilbert M. Martin


Leader: Christ, our teacher and our healer, you call us to your table to celebrate our freedom in God.
All: We come, drawn by your Word.
Christ, our savior and our Lord, you call us to be close to you in prayer.
We come, drawn by your Spirit.
Christ, our servant and our victim, you call us to follow you in humility.
We come, drawn by your love.  Amen.

SONG                                               Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle

Blue hymnal # 296

OLD TESTAMENT                                                                  Isaiah 42.1-4



Gentle Christ, in humble service you renounce power, comfort and status.
We surrender our fear, and open our hearts to your grace.
You do not cry out; you will not quench even a dimly burning wick.
We confess our anger, despair and violence, and our distrust of the power of love.  We confess our envy and judgment, our thirst to dominate and control.
You call us to be light for the nations, to open blind eyes and release imprisoned souls.
May your compassion flow through us to all living beings.
We pray for all whom we think are beneath us.
We pray for all those whom we have judged or wounded.
Gentle Christ, you establish justice in all the earth.
Grant us your spirit of nonviolence, justice and mercy.  Amen.


NEW TESTAMENT                                                 1 Corinthians 1.18-31



Suffering Christ, you humble yourself to death, even to the shame of the cross.
We confess that we hurt others, seeking our own security.  We pray for all who suffer, who are ashamed, who are accused, for they are the Lamb of God.
You lovingly serve even those who harm you.
Grant us your spirit of humble servanthood.
Your tender love is more powerful than all our evil.
Grant us your spirit of self-emptying love.  Amen.

OFFERING                                                                      Wondrous Love

arr. Fred Bock

SONG                                                                                  In Your Love

Steve G-H

Our thanks we give to you, holy God, Loving One.
All earth and heaven shine with your love.
You form us wonderfully, and love us faithfully,
and come and set us free by your love, by your love.
Hosanna, God on high, Loving One!

How blest is Christ, who comes in your name, in your love,
who blessed and taught and healed in your love.
In love your Christ has died, is risen at our side,
and still will come again in your love, in your love,
and Christ will come again in your love.

Pour out your Spirit, God, on this bread, on this wine:
for they are Christ made real in your love.
Make us the Body, too, of Christ, now sent from you,
that we your will may do in your love, in your love.
We offer you our lives in your love.



THE WORD IN SONG                                        Within the Darkest Night

Derek Hakes (Bells of St. Matthew’s)

GOSPEL                                                                               John 1 3. 1-17



Loving Christ, in our sin you wash us clean; in our grief you bless us, in our weariness you restore us, in our shame you honor us.
We confess our resistance to your grace.  Wash the feet of our hearts, that we may wholly belong to you.
You pour out your Spirit upon us, and make us your brimming vessels.
Grant us your spirit of love, O God, your life-giving spirit of love

SONG                                                                                   At Your Feet

Steve G-H


Image: Foot washing


[Please participate by being in prayer for one another; imagine Christ washing each person’s feet.  If you wish to receive a symbolic footwashing, be seated by a basin.  Someone will pour warm water over your feet, one at a time, or your hands, and dry them with a towel. If you wish you may also wash another. ]

SCRIPTURE                                                                        John 13.34-35


PSALM                                                                                     Psalm 141

Holy One, you who are always present for me, I call to you.
Hear the cry of my heart —  oh hear!
My prayer rises like incense before you,
my hands I raise as my evening sacrifice.
Beloved, keep watch over my mouth;
stand guard at the door of my lips.
Keep me from evil thoughts,
from joining in other people’s anger.
Help me stay free from joining them in accusing;
may I never seek comfort in belonging with them.
Let righteous people strike me.
let the faithful condemn  me,
but may the wicked never anoint me with the acid of their praise:
for every day I pray blessing in defiance of their evil.
With the stones we would throw we are always wounded,
Help us see the way of gentleness, and follow.
The whole warring world is divided and split:
our bones lie at the edge of hell.
So we turn to you, O Loving One:
You are our healing, and our only hope.
Keep me out of the trap of blaming and judging,
the pit of evil so easy to fall into.
The  violent are entangled in their own nets,
while I go freely on a different way.





Ubi caritas et amor, ubi caritas Deus ibi est.
[Where there is love and charity, there God is.]




POSTLUDE                                          He Never Said a Mumablin’ Word

arr. Arnold B. Sherman (Bells of St. Matthew’s, David Potts, solo)