God doesn’t have a “plan” like a script for your life. But God does have an intention, a dream for you greater than you can imagine. Listen for it, and live in harmony with it.
Some people must have thought Jesus lived in an alternate universe. Well, yeah. He called it the kingdom of God. Our baptism means we live in it, too. Our job is to be good dual citizens.
The good news of Christmas is: what God is doing is loving; it is cosmic, and it is happening inside of you. Say Yes to the miracle God is bringing forth in you.
“If it’s not good news to the poor, it’s not the gospel.” But we’re not intimidated by this standard: the Spirit helps us bear witness by arousing courageous love in us.
To “prepare the way” is a cosmic event; it is also our own personal repentance: dealing with the mountains and valleys, smoothing out our own rough places.
Biblical images of the “Second Coming” are pretty grim. But actually things are already grim. Jesus comes to interrupt that with grace that changes everything– and changes us so we can change the world.