Jesus calls us to humble service. One way to serve is to listen deeply to another, abandoning our agenda for their sake. In such open, loving, non-judgmental listening we hear God.
Like the rich man who couldn’t let go of his stuff to follow Jesus, we hang onto stuff that’s all in our heads. But when we let go and act, God is there to support us.
Jesus encourages us to welcome children in our nation, and in our worship—and welcome the little child, sometimes quiet, sometimes unruly, in our soul.
Christian faith is not a set of ideas or doctrines; it’s a new way of living. Discipleship means growing and learning and changing through all our lives.
The church is the Body of Christ, a worldwide unit, one people with amazing diversity, but one spirit breathing among us. We Are called to serve not just our local congregation but the whole Body — but we are greatly enriched when we expand our awareness to include the wider church.