Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Sermons by Rev. Jinwoo Chun (Page 6)

Where Are You Headed?

When looking into the context of the story of the first Palm Sunday, we uncover how two parades are occurring at once. Jesus’ unconventional and unexpected entry into the city parallels the extravagant parade of Pilate, the Roman governor. As they enter the city for the Passover, they embody different directions. Pilate commands military dominance and imperial power; Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God and the way of peace. Which one are we following? In the midst of opposing forces, which way will we go?

Can These Bones Live?

Do we believe that new life can come after death? Can we find hope when things are bleak? Can we truly trust in God’s power of resurrection in the midst of a valley of dry bones where all hope seems lost? This Sunday, we will explore what the Bible has to say about these questions.

Who Sinned?

When it comes to faith, there are sometimes questions that are formed by assumptions and questions that lead us to judgement. In this week’s Scripture reading, we will observe various groups of people asking such questions, and we will examine what questions we pose. During our Lenten journey of seeking, what assumptions do we carry? What is our intent? When seeking clarity or understanding, what questions can we ask without assumptions or judgements?

Jesus’ Boundary-Breaking Invitation

Jesus crosses cultural, religious, and societal boundaries by leading His disciples through Samaria. In the heat of midday, He seeks out connection with a Samaritan woman drawing water from the well. His command to her is also a question and an invitation to a new way of life: Go and get your husband. For the woman, to respond is risky but life-changing. How would you respond to Jesus’ boundary-breaking question and invitation?

How Do We Begin Again?

In Genesis 12, God commands Abram to leave everything – his country, his family, his father’s household – to begin again. Like Abram and his wife Sarai, how do we follow God’s calling to begin again? When does a new beginning invite you to be a blessing to others?

Who Will You Listen to?

The story of “The Fall” in Genesis 3 shows a paradox of possibilities. In the ancient world, snakes were a symbol of transformation, with their venom holding the possibility of both poison and medicine. While the first human beings succumbed to the snake’s poisonous whisper, Jesus chose to harness its venom as medicine. How can we follow His examples?

Stephen Ministries: Being the Body of Christ in Life Crises

Being the body of Christ makes Christian faith special (from Good News on January 7, 2024). This Sunday, we will explore why we want to be the body of Christ in life crises and how to be a part of Jesus’ movement changing the world through Stephen Ministries. Stephen Ministries has empowered numerous Christians to be the body of Christ in life crises since 1975.

What Makes Christian Faith Special?

What makes your Christian faith special? What are your beliefs regarding the implications of Jesus’ movement? Do you feel that you are part of a Jesus’ movement changing the world? Why or why not? This Sunday, we will explore these questions by comparing Pax Romana to Pax Christi.