In “The Parable of the Good Samaritan,” a priest and a Temple assistant chose religious laws and rules over compassion. A good Samaritan lived out compassion. What did Jesus say? What can override compassion?
“Do this in remembrance of Me.” Does it sound familiar? Yes, Jesus said it to His disciples at His Table. Then, what does He want us to remember at His Table? We are going to listen to what the Bible has to say about it through the story of “Feeding the Four Thousand” in Mark 8:1-8.
God tells us to love one another regardless of our differences like gender, different skin colors, ethnicity, age, sexual orientations, socio-economic or family background, and mental or physical ability… you name it. However, are you refusing God’s will in the name of God because of yourself-righteousness or religious zeal? What does the Bible say about it?
What makes you a Christian? What makes St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church a Christian church? Who is at the center of your personal life and church life?