Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Sermons by Rev. Jinwoo Chun

Do What Is Just and Right

In 2 Samuel 12, Nathan confronts David with a parable, exposing his sin and calling him to accountability. Just as David misused his power and was blinded by his own actions, we face the consequences of injustice driven by self-interest. God calls us to do what is just and right in God’s sight.

A Testimony to God’s Steadfast Love

When God rescues us, He gives us His love, not just the understanding that he loves us. He sends his Holy Spirit, which is love, to live in us. If we tend to the light in us, the love in us, God in us, he will support our tears, our emotions, our needs. He will hold us when things fall apart, and he will be patient. It’s a journey.

Who Is a True Believer?

This Sunday, we will delve into the story of the Wise Men from Matthew 2:1-12 and examine three distinct groups: Herod, the leading priests and teachers of religious law, and the Wise Men from the East. Each group responds to the news of Christ’s birth in profoundly different ways, challenging us to consider: “Who is a true believer?”

Let Us Rejoice and Laugh with God!

What image of God does the baby Jesus bring to you? Does God, manifested through the baby Jesus, appear playful to you? This Sunday, we will explore the good news proclaimed by the angel to the shepherds on the first Christmas and reflect its meaning for us today.

Love Knows Your Name Christmas Eve Family Service

What does Emmanuel-God with us-mean to you? How do you bring this Emmanuel God to your neighbor, especially those who are ignored, isolated, or marginalized? On Christmas Eve, we will reflect on the profound intimacy of God’s relationship with each of us. Through the birth of Jesus Christ, God chose to be born, coming as close to each of us as possible!

Love Knows Your Name Christmas Eve Cantata Service

What does Emmanuel-God with us-mean to you? How do you bring this Emmanuel God to your neighbor, especially those who are ignored, isolated, or marginalized? On Christmas Eve, we will reflect on the profound intimacy of God’s relationship with each of us. Through the birth of Jesus Christ, God chose to be born, coming as close to each of us as possible!

Hope Is Worth the Risk

What do you hope for? In a world where so many are weary and worn down, can we practice hope on their behalf? Could our expressions of hope serve as a life raft for those struggling to stay afloat? This Sunday, we’ll reflect on the story of Mary and Joseph in the Gospel according to Matthew to discover how we can embody hope not only for ourselves but for others in need.