Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

What does a Stewardship Program mean?

You Are a Blessing

When we stop believing that we are a blessing to God, we may stop believing this about others. Conversely, when we are rooted in our blessedness, we can treat every created being as a blessing. This Sunday, we will begin the Advent season with God’s word of blessing.

Vayikra (The Lord Called)! Would you qorban (Come Near)? part 1

God calls you (Vayikra) and tells you, “Come near to Me.” And the offering (qorban: come near) reminds you that you are worthy and precious in God’s eye regardless of how much you have, regardless of what other people say you are, and regardless of what you think you are. Offering is not about money. It is one of God’s loving ways to remind you that God wants you to come near to God. It is one of the passionate ways you can take to tell God that you want to come near to God. Don’t you want to be a cheerful giver?

How Do You Respond to God’s “qorban, Come Near” Invitation?

God broke into our lives to be with us through the event of the Tabernacle. When God commanded the Israelites to build the Tabernacle, they “brought their sacred offerings to the Lord.” Sacred offerings. The word “offering” is qorban in Hebrew and it originally means “come near.” In other words, when God came near to the Israelites, they decided to come near to God as well. They responded to God’s “come near” invitation by bringing their sacred offering “come near” to God. How do you respond to God’s qorban invitation today?

What Does Stewardship Program Mean?

We St. Matthew’s have our Stewardship Program from today through November 8th. What does Stewardship Program mean to you?
1. It is an opportunity to check up my ATTITUDE toward God, the Provider, and God’s blessings God has already given to me.
2. It is an opportunity to examine my PRIORITIES. Where is God on my priority list? Stewardship Program is an opportunity for me to decide to put God first in your priorities.