Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

THE CHOSEN Watch Party

We welcome you to join us in watching THE CHOSEN. It has been inspiring to many at St. Matthew’s, and we are eager to share it with you, too. For a taste of The Chosen, here’s the trailer for Season 1. Three of the planned seven seasons have been completed. Each season has 8 episodes, plus there are Christmas episodes for each of the first two seasons. Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen is crowd-funded and free to watch.  It has been seen by over 100 million people worldwide.  See for more details.

Schedule & Plan for Watch Party
We will meet every Saturday morning in the youth room, where a donor is providing a large new TV. The goal is to watch all 26 episodes before Season 4 comes out (late fall).  Each episode is about an hour long (some from season 1 are shorter). We will watch one or two episodes each Saturday.

We plan to structure the sessions like this:
· 8:30 – gather, have coffee and light breakfast (we can take turns supplying this)
·  8:35 – set the stage for the episode(s) we’ll be watching, including reading related Bible passages
·  8:45 – watch one (or two) episodes
·  After watching, discuss what moved us, what we could relate to, what may have enriched or changed our experiencing of the Gospels, etc.
·   Finish by about 10:30 or 11:00

All are welcome, whether you’re a St. Matthew’s regular or not, and whether you’ve never watched an episode or already watched the whole series 20 times. The series is rated as appropriate for ages 12+.  But space is limited, so please sign up. For more information, see Betsy Comstock, Ann Drumm, Lynne Osborn, Marilyn Roman, or Susan Zuckerman.  We hope you’ll join us.