Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Talent Tree Campaign 2024

Stewardship is about giving of ourselves. Giving of our talents and resources. Giving to others. And one way we share our resources and enable us to run our church and meet our budget, is to hold a Talent Tree Stewardship campaign. You might remember this from last year. To participate we ask that you complete THIS form by 11/21 sharing something you do, that you would like to offer up to others in return for a donation to St. Matthew’s. There will not be a set price to be paid for a talent, allowing people to determine themselves what they can afford, as we believe there should be no obstacles to connecting, giving and receiving.

The growing list of talents will be shared in our Weekly News starting in November. If you have a picture in Breeze, and give consent, we would like to add your picture next to your talent in the list. We hope putting faces to names will help the congregation get to know each other better.

Then, on Sunday; November 24th, after Service, we hope you will join us for a Potluck, where we can explore and purchase from all the different talents offered by our congregation. 

We may contact you if we have any questions or need more details.  Your contact information will not be published, however when someone purchases your talent on 11/24/24 they will be given the contact information that you provide and will be reaching out to you to make arrangements to receive your talent. Any talents not purchased on 11/24 will continue to be available after that date.

If you can help provide food for the potluck, or help with setup or cleanup, please let us know HERE.