Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Church Potluck and Talent Tree Event

On September 17th we are planning a church wide potluck to celebrate the start of Sunday School for children and youth and the kick- off event for our Stewardship/Talent Tree. You may ask, what is a Talent Tree? The Talent Tree will be a way for you to identify and share your talents with other people from St Matthew’s. At the church potluck we will discuss and identify our talents and gifts that we want to share with others. We will have some time to decide on the talents and terms for our talent (e.g. dates available).

For the Potluck, please sign up on Signup Central (or click the Register button above) to help with set up or clean up.

Able to bring your favorite dish to share? As a guideline, we ask you to bring a dish based on the first letter of your last name, but feel free to bring something else or nothing at all and just join us!

If your last name begins with:
A – L: Bring a main course
M – S: Bring a dessert
T – Z: Bring a salad or vegetable

On October 22nd, Giving Sunday, we will have another Potluck and everyone will have the opportunity to give a free will donation for any talent that they would like to “purchase”. Any money paid will go directly to St. Matthew’s general fund. There will be opportunities for friends who worship virtually to participate too. There will be more information to come about this year’s Stewardship Campaign and the Talent Tree. For now, be thinking about what talents you would like to share and there is a small list below to help you begin brainstorming:

– cooking class
– teach a skill
– 3 Hours College Counseling
– 1 round 2- layer 10” decorated cake (dairy and egg free) to serve up to 28 people- you decide on the flavor of cake and frosting and filling
– 1 hour of yard pick up sticks/pinecones/rocks etc.
– 1 hour Math tutoring 4th grade and younger
– 2 hours of fix- it services
– perennial garden planning help
– vegan dinner delivered
– ride to the airport/chauffeur service
– dog/cat/pet sitting
– baked pie
– commissioned painting
– afternoon tea time
– walking buddy
– hike planned/hiking buddy
– tech/device help
– digital photo organization help
– pantry organization
– garden weeding
– baking- cookies, etc.
– draw a picture
– read a book for someone
– dog walking
– play a game
– singing telegram
– caroling
– singing/performing for an event
– knitted/crocheted blanket
– host a dinner party or game night

Thank you!