Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Other ways to help with The Festival of Sharing

In addition to helping with crafted items, gently used Christmas items, baking and holiday arrangements (see separate events), you can help in following ways: 

  • Post a yard sign.  If your house is in a prominent location, pick up a yard sign from the coat closet at church on Nov 17 or 24.  Record your name and which sign you take on the clipboard.  Signs should be returned to the church after the Festival.
  • Post fliers about the Festival in places you go.  You can pick up posters at church or download them here.
  • Give postcard reminders to help spread the word about the Festival among your friends.  The more people who come, the more good we can do.  When we ask people from outside St. Matthew’s what brought them to the Festival, the most common answer by far is, “A friend asked me to come.”  You can pick up postcards at church or download them here
  • Help with setup on Wednesday Dec 4 (7pm) or Friday Dec 6 (afternoon), cleanup at the end of the Festival on Dec 7, or cleanup on Dec 8 after the remaining Festival booths close.  Sign up here.
  • Help on the day of the Festival (Dec 7).  Many of you have already signed up to staff booths and the cashier station.  But we still need help with tasks such as greeting, providing and serving light refreshments, and giving breaks to Festival workers.  Say YES when Betsy, Carmen, Melissa, or Connie asks you to help with one of these remaining tasks!
Thanks, everyone.  Onward to a fun and successful Festival!
Betsy Comstock, Carmen Logue, Melissa Rollins, Connie Woolcock