Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

New England Justice For Our Neighbors Annual Event

New England Justice For Our Neighbors is hosting our annual event on  Sunday afternoon, November 17 at the Brickbox Theater in Worcester.  Mark your calendars. It would be wonderful to have at  least 10 people from St. Matthew’s attend, plus any additional folks who  would like to attend via Zoom. This event will be free, fun, and inspiring,  and the venue is very cool. Click here to register.

We will be celebrating our ongoing program of  serving a broad range of undocumented immigrants, now dubbed our  Advice & Advocacy Program, plus our newly funded program Pathway to  Hope, serving undocumented youth. This new program has enabled New  England JFON to expand their services to serve the needs of more  immigrants in more areas who struggle to navigate the complex US  immigrant legal system.

Join us on Sunday afternoon, November 17! Car pooling from St.  Matthew’s will be available. If you would like to carpool, please sign up for  carpool here. Any questions, ask Peggy Papanastassiou (