Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Let’s knit! with The Prayer Shawl Ministry

Pam Follett goes to Tanzania each year, and brings along knitted items to the babies and families. If you would like to knit hats, booties or prayer squares, they are always welcome and much appreciated!  The items are going to Africa, so the needed hats do only need to be baby caps, not winter hats. Even if you can make one prayer square, it will matter to someone. If you can help, or know someone who would like to be part of the St. Matthew’s knitting group, please let Diana Kendrick know at

There is also now a table set up in the back of the sanctuary for prayer shawls, baby blankets and prayer squares that are available to give away. For anyone who is not familiar with this ministry or just needs a reminder, please read on!

Prayer shawls are lovingly created, prayed over, blessed, and then put out for anyone to give away. Reasons for giving prayer shawls include support, celebration, sympathy and just about any other reason that feels loving to you. The journal is to record the name of the recipient (first name only if privacy is needed), the name of the knitter and the date the shawl was given. The card/tag included with each finished shawl or item includes the knitter’s name and a blessing for the recipient. The recipient’s name may be added to the tag. Prayer shawls, squares and baby blankets may only be given away, not sold. Before taking one, please check the journal to ensure that the person has not already received one. In some cases, it is understandable to give another one, but please consider this carefully as there is extraordinary time and care put into each shawl.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry welcomes anyone to come to knit, pray and share…please join us if you are a knitter or if you prefer to crochet…or if you just want to learn!

For questions, please contact any member of the prayer shawl ministry team or the church office.

Thank you for helping to share this ministry with others!