Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Join us for a Hymn-Sing on August 15, 2021

Morning worship at St. Matthew’s on August 15 will be a little different. It will be a rich and fulfilling hymn sing. From the Welcome, Opening Song, and Opening Prayer, through Message for all ages, Scripture and Good News, to the closing Prayer and Blessing, we will use some of the words from select hymns, as well as sing some wonderful favorites.

What is your favorite?

You are invited to send Sue Lee ( your favorite hymn title, #, and choice of two verses, with a short description of why this hymn is important to you or how it speaks to and strengthens your faith. You do not need to describe from which of our three hymnals your choice comes. The numbers easily identify the hymnal. If you do not know the #, send the other information and we will find it, if it is in The Methodist Hymnal, or one of the supplements. James and Sue will create a memorable service of how and why hymns have been a constant part of our worship services, and hopefully include your favorite. There will be time for in-person worshippers to select and/or comment on their choice. Sending your favorite ahead of time will enable us to find the perfect place in the service to use your hymn. With all hymn sings, we need lots of voices, so we hope as many of you as possible will plan to worship in person.
