Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Holiday Handbell Repertoire Reading Workshop

This workshop is organized by the Directors of the Lincoln Ringers, Marlboro Ringers, Sudbury Ringers, and Bells of St. Matthew’s.

Saturday, September 25 from 9am-1230pm (incl. break)
At St. Matthew’s UMC, 435 Central St., Acton, MA

Registration will start at 8:30 with a brief and distanced socialization. Registration fee will be $10.00.

St. Matthew’s has a large open sanctuary that allows space to place tables at a safe distance, with many windows and fans to circulate the air. We will set up banquets tables and card tables for ringer’s comfort safety. Although we will have the 5 octave set of St. Matthew’s bells with 36 feet of table space set up, bells from the Marlboro Church, one 2 octave set and one 3 octave set, we invite people to bring their own bells, pad(s), and music stand(s) to place on tables we will provide. There will be a sales table for gloves and music.

For more information contact Sue Lee ( or Diane Burke (