Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Food Insecurity in our area

Every month, we collect food for our “First Sunday is Food Sunday” which we donate to food pantries. Current donations go to the Acton Food Pantry.  When you go to the store this week, pick up some of these foods that the pantry particularly needs:  
•    Spaghetti sauce
•    Jelly
•    Canned fruit
•    Canned pasta (ravioli, lasagna, etc.)
•    Vegetable oil
•    Gluten-free snacks
•    Corned beef hash 
•    Olives and pickles
•    Pancake mix
•    Broth (chicken or beef)
•    Baby formula
•    Baby food, jars and pouches
•    Baby cereals/oatmeal
•    Baby Snacks


  • Make sure all your donated items are shelf-stable and within their “Best by” date.
  • Put your donations in the grocery cart in the church lobby on or before next Sunday.  They’ll be blessed and delivered to the Acton Food Pantry as part of our First Sunday is Food Sunday program.

The need is great and you can help!
Betsy Comstock, for our Mission, Outreach, and Advocacy Team