Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Crafts from the Heart and Gently Used Christmas Items

The Steering Committee for the Festival of Sharing  (Dec 7, 9:00-2:00) wants to increase the number of items for sale at the Festival.  To do that, we would like your help with two things:

Crafts from the Heart of St. Matthew’s.
The Crafts from the Heart booth will offer a variety of gifts made by St. Matthew’s members and friends.  All the proceeds from the sale of items at that booth will be split among the organizations at the festival.  

If you’re a knitter, crocheter, felter, weaver, quilter, sewer, potter, jeweler, woodworker, or crafter of any sort, we hope you’ll contribute items to this booth.  All items should be good quality holiday gifts that you’d expect would appeal to shoppers at the Festival.  You could contribute one item or 50!  In addition, we will have a few parties to make crafts, and they will be crafts anyone can do. Sign up HERE if you wish to contribute to the booth!

Kris Osborne will be chairing the Crafts from the Heart booth, and we will also have a few parties to make crafts, and they will be crafts anyone can do.  If you have any questions, please contact Kris via email

Gently-Used Christmas Items
Do you have some good quality Christmas-themed items that you no longer use?  Please bring them to St. Matthew’s and put them in the yellow chest.  We will offer them for sale at the Household Goods booth.   Carmen Logue is chairing this booth, so if you have any questions, contact her at

NOTE:  In a few weeks we’ll start signing people up for the many other ways you can contribute to the Festival:  helping staff a booth, baking cookies for the famous cookie walk, baking bread for Bread for the World, helping Thelma make arrangements of holiday greens, singing or ringing Christmas music, making a pot of soup or chili, putting out a yard sign, etc.  

Thank you very much for helping to make St. Matthew’s Festival of Sharing as successful as possible!

Festival of Sharing Steering Team