Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Online Breakfast Meeting with Senator Jamie Eldridge

Photo: Coffee and MuffinPlease join us for an online Zoom® meeting with Senator Jamie Eldridge on Saturday, May 30th at 9:00 AM.  Have your breakfast and learn what our legislature is doing in the areas of immigration rights and access including the Safe Communities Act.

Grab your coffee or tea and a blueberry muffin and join us online.  We’ve even included a muffin recipe here.

You can join the the meeting by computer or mobile device by clicking here.  The meeting ID is 983 9924 5403 and the pwd is 319952.

You can also join by phone at 1(929)205-6099 with the same meeting ID and pwd.

If you can financially support efforts to assist immigrants in this time of Covid-19, please consider supporting the Galatians 6:2 Fund.

The Galatians 6:2 Fund was established to support undocumented families in the most affected immigrant New England United Methodist congregations. It is designed to assist families who are struggling with rental arrearages and possible dislocation after the state eviction moratorium is lifted.

Please send your donations to NEJFON, 421 Common Street, Belmont, MA 02478 or visit the Donate page of  Add “Galatians 6:2” to the memo of your check or select “Galatians 6:2” as the Designation for your on-line donation.