Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.


Sharing Our Talents 2024

Thank you so much to those of you who have shared your talents during this year’s Talent Tree Stewardship program! You can see an UPDATED list of all the talents HERE.  Here’s how to make a donation for a talent: – Write a check with the amount you wish to donate in exchange for a talent,…

Let’s knit! with The Prayer Shawl Ministry

Pam Follett goes to Tanzania each year, and brings along knitted items to the babies and families. If you would like to knit hats, booties or prayer squares, they are always welcome and much appreciated!  The items are going to Africa, so the needed hats do only need to be baby caps, not winter hats.…

Food Insecurity in our area

Every month, we collect food for our “First Sunday is Food Sunday” which we donate to food pantries. Current donations go to the Acton Food Pantry.  When you go to the store this week, pick up some of these foods that the pantry particularly needs:     •    Spaghetti sauce •    Jelly •    Canned fruit…