Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Handbell Skill-building Workshop/Publicity

Handbell Skill-building Workshop/Publicity
Inviting all ringing friends to attend a handbell Skill Building workshop on Saturday morning, September 24, at St. Matthew’s UMC, Acton MA, followed by a Repertoire Reading workshop in the afternoon. Handbell ringing has changed so much over the years, and this event can be very beneficial for your ringers, their technique development, and for making connection with others who enjoy this music genre. The Lincoln Ringers, directed by Diane Burke, and the Bells of St. Matthew’s (Acton) directed by Sue Lee, are the sponsors of these workshops.

This workshop is planned as a separate morning event, a separate afternoon event, or attendees have the option to attend both. In the morning there will be two different breakout sessions taught by skilled handbell directors. These sessions are designed with the ringer in mind, but directors also learn new and interesting information. In the afternoon session, directed by Diane Burke, we will sight-read new and/or interesting pieces of music, some with a focus on winter holiday music. This is a great opportunity for ringers to ring with other ringing enthusiasts, and it is an opportunity for directors to see and hear pieces of music that they might not know about. At the end of this afternoon session, the music will be offered for sale at a 10% discount from Jeffers Handbell Publishing, which means you save on shipping charges.

Invite all your ringing friends to participate. It is a wonderful chance to talk with other ringers, learn more about what is happening with handbells in the area, and pick up some new ideas.

Basic outline for the day:
8:00 Registration
8:30 Introductions
9:00-10:15 Session #1
10:30-11:45 Session #2
12:00 -1:00 Lunch (BYO) and moving bells to Sanctuary
1:00 – 3:00 Repertoire Reading
3:00 Pack up, purchase music, and say good bye.

Click HERE to register.

For further information, please contact either of us.
Diane Burke
Sue Lee
St. Matthew’s UMC, 435 Central St., Acton MA 01720