Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Workshop:How to Make Things Happen

Image: Graphic for HOW TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN workshop Jan 11,2020We often have ideas for things we’d like to see happen in the church—patterns of behavior we wish everyone would adopt—but just telling people to do it won’t make it happen.  There are ways we can influence people to do the right thing.  Our Conference Consultant Betsy Waters, will lead us in a workshop on influencing. We’ll start with a free breakfast at 8:30.  Everyone is welcome, but you’ll be especially glad you came if you’re on one of our ministry teams or committees, or if you serve in any kind of action or advocacy work in the community.

Please sign up below so we have an idea of how many to expect.

As we prepare for the January retreat,  here are some ways to learn more about the model called Influencers.

These offerings do overlap some, so choose ones that appeal.  == Kids washing hand, about 6 minutes, demonstrates the effectiveness of using multiple forms of influence.

This one is longer, but it is great!

A PDF of the book summary

How to Make Things Happen Workshop

Date: January 11, 2020

Sign up below...

I will attend this workshop#1: Leslie B.
#2: Wayne L.
#3: Susan L.
#4: Marcia R.
#5: Kris O.
#6: Jim K.
#7: Peggy M.
#8: Peggy P.
#9: Nancy V.
#10: Lynne O.
#11: Betsy C.
#12: Beth G.
#13: Susan Z.
#14: Ann D.
#15: Steve G.
#16: Josephine R.
#17: Aase K.
#18: Amy H.
#19: John B.
#20: Bob H.
#21: Barbara W.
#22: Marilyn R.
#23: Clelia S.
#24: Ed Y.
#25: Donna Y.
#26: Carla B.
#27: Donna G.
#28: Bunny L.
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