Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M.
Sunday School for adults at 9:00 A.M.
Sunday School for children and youth at 9:15 A.M.

Handbell Music

English Handbell Ministry at  St. Matthew’s

The English Handbell Ministry at St. Matthew’s, founded by Sue Lee and currently directed by Abby Schoppe, began in 1997 with a group of interested ringers playing on borrowed handchimes. The program has grown extensively in the intervening years and now boasts 5 octaves of handbells and 5½ octaves of handchimes.

Ringtones is a small ensemble of 4-6 ringers who seek the additional challenge of ringing ensemble music, experiencing different ringing placements, and learning new techniques. This group participates in worship once a month.

Bells of St. Matthew’s is an adult group of 11-13 ringers who ring Level 2-4 music and plays once a month for the 10:30 AM worship service, as well as for special services. We are always looking for new participants, regardless of whether they have prior experience reading music or ringing handbells or handchimes. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Abby Schoppe, Director of Handbell Ministries, at


Ensemble Rehearsal Time
Ringtones Tuesdays 6-6:45 PM
Bells of St. Matthew’s (BoSM) Tuesdays 7-8:30 PM

Photo: Handbell Ringers

–Each year in the early fall, St. Matthew’s hosts and co-sponsors a workshop led by Diane Burke (Director of the Lincoln Ringers, Sudbury Ringers, and Marlboro Ringers), with Skill Building classes in the morning and an afternoon of Repertoire Reading. Classes are taught by highly skilled handbell ringers, several of whom are members of bronze-level community choirs.

Several handbell ringers from St. Matthew’s have attended the Area 1 Handbell Musicians of America Festival/Conference, which is held every two years. This is a three-and-a-half-day event filled with many classes, numerous rehearsals and concerts, and fellowship with other handbell ringers from the six New England states and beyond. Internationally known clinicians and directors make this an exciting event to attend.


For 38 years, Massachusetts has held a handbell festival in the spring. It first started as the Chelmsford Handbell Festival, later changed its name to the Merrimack Valley Festival, and is now known as the Massachusetts Spring Ring. The Bells of St. Matthew’s perform at these Spring Rings, now held at Tewksbury Memorial High School, each year.

Spring ring 2019



Last updated November 2024