Bridging the Political Divide

How do we make sense of the conflict, rhetoric and disrespect in our political process as we move toward the Presidential election? How do people of faith respond? How do we remain calm and centered amidst our difference and tension, taking our roles as peacemakers and even prophets, seriously? Parker Palmer, an educator, activist and person of faith, offers us some answers to these questions. He is leading an on-line course through Church Next. Here is how it works: Register to take the free class on-line as your schedule permits. The class is open September 5th – 19th and you may access it at any time during this period. Reflect on what you learn. On September 18th, we will listen to the first two conversations with Parker Palmer; We the People” and “The Art of Holding Tension,” with discussion following each segment. We’ll continue with “Our Deepest Divide” and “Taking Action” on September 25th. The class is held in the downstairs library at 9:15 AM on Sundays.  Additional offerings of this study will be offered at 1:00 pm on Sundays, September 25th and October 2nd.

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